How do I charge my CEEFIT?
The CEEFIT is charged via the charging platform (with the associated cable).
Plug the charger into an outlet and position the CEEFIT sensor in the center of the charging platform. Place your CEEFIT with the logo facing down exactly on the logo of the loading platform. When the CEEFIT is charging, a blue light shines on the face of the CEEFIT sensor. During charging, the red LED lamp lights up on the charging platform itself.
The device does not charge or takes a disproportionately long time to charge?
The first charging process may take a long time, especially if the battery was completely empty or has not been charged for a long time. Let the device keep charging for several hours. The next loads should be faster.
Place your CEEFIT on the charging station. If your CEEFIT flashes blue and the small, red light on the platform lights up for the black charging station, this indicates that the connection between the CEEFIT and the charging station has been correctly established and that it is being charged correctly. If it doesn’t glow blue, it may mean you haven’t found the right contact point yet. To find this point, carefully and slowly move the CEEFIT back and forth on the loading platform. Also, check that the device is properly aligned on the charging platform: the CEEFIT logo must face the charger logo.
If the blue light on the front of the CEEFIT does not flash even after moving on the platform, leave it on for 1 hour. If charging still doesn’t start, remove it from the platform, wait 48 hours for the sensor to fully discharge, and then try again.
If the problem persists, contact us (also with a short video of the loading attempt) at We will then contact you immediately.
How can I see the battery level of my CEEFIT?
Open the Seaver app and connect to your CEEFIT. To do this, go to “My devices” in the menu and select your CEEFIT here. The battery status of your CEEFIT is displayed in the app as soon as it is connected to your smartphone via Bluetooth.
If the battery of your CEEFIT is empty, the app cannot recognize the CEEFIT sensor. If you are not using your CEEFIT, always disconnect it from the app. This will put it in standby mode and the battery will last longer.
The charge does not reach 100%. Is that normal?
The battery has a safety system. If the CEEFIT gets too hot during charging, the charging process is automatically blocked to prevent damage to the CEEFIT. It may take longer for the battery to reach 100% for the first few charge cycles. If the problem persists after 5 to 10 charges, contact us at
How long can I use the CEEFFIT before it needs to be recharged?
When the CEEFIT sensor is fully charged, you can use it to record almost 24 hours of training. If you don’t use it, the battery lasts about a week in standby mode.
How do I care for my CEEFIT Pulse & ECG electrode belt?
The CEEFIT Pulse & ECG electrode belt must not be washed in the washing machine. To keep it clean, we recommend that you brush it gently first when it’s dry to remove as much dust, sand and mud as possible. You can then clean it more thoroughly with a damp cloth. Make sure to always keep it dry and protected from moisture.
How do I install the Seaver app?
To install the app on your phone, simply go to your smartphone store (Google Play for Android devices / App Store for iOS devices) and download the free Seaver app. To download the app to a smartwatch, go to the relevant app store and download the Seaver Watch app for free.
Do I need to create an account to use the app?
Yes, each user must create an account in the app. You can register with your email address, Apple, Facebook or Google account. The email address you used when ordering your Seaver product from our online shop is not automatically linked to the app.
You register as an individual rider, but have the option of creating an unlimited number of horse profiles.
Can my account be linked to only one Seaver product at a time?
No, absolutely not, you can also connect and use other CEEFIT devices with your Seaver app. Several horse profiles can be created in one account and it can thus be connected to several CEEFITs. If the account is currently active and thus connected to a CEEFIT device via Bluetooth, this device will not be displayed/recognized on other end devices. However, every rider of a horse that is ridden with a CEEFIT device must have or create their own account, since the rider’s weight is an important parameter for the measured results.
Can I delete the Seaver app from my smartphone/smartwatch without losing my data?
Yes No problem. All your training data is stored on our servers. You can log into your account from any device to record a new training session or view your previous training data.
However, if you disconnect the app from CEEFIT during a running training session and then delete the app during the recording or data volumes have not yet been uploaded to the app, data may be lost.
How do I install the latest updates?
Open the app store (Google Play for Android devices / App Store for iOS devices) on your smartphone or smartwatch and download the updates for the Seaver app or the Seaver Watch app there. We are constantly working on improvements and further optimizations of the app for you. To find out all the latest news about CEEFIT and other products from our company, follow us on social networks or subscribe to our e-mail newsletter.
How do I create the profile for my horse?
Go to the main menu in your Seaver app and click on the “My Horses” button. Under “Add a horse” you can then enter all the necessary information such as name, age, breed, sex etc. in the tab that opens.
How do I measure my horse?
Height at the withers: It is best to measure the horse standing on a level surface with a square stick. If you don’t have a stick measure, you can use a standard folding rule and a spirit level. Place the end of the spirit level on the withers and align it exactly parallel. Then use the ruler to measure your horse’s height at the withers from the spirit level to the ground. If you have no way of measuring your horse, you can also estimate the height at the stick or use our enclosed measuring tape. Deviations of +/- 5 cm are okay.
Distance from ground to girth: With the measuring tape held vertically behind your horse’s front legs, measure the height between the ground and the girth (where you want the CEEFIT to sit). As a rule, there should be about a hand’s breadth of space between the elbow joint and the saddle girth.
Distance between shoulder and girth: Locate the center of the horse’s shoulder (between the point of the shoulder and the elbow), and go straight up to shoulder level. Measure the horizontal line between this point and the center of the horse’s shoulder.
Weight: An estimate of your horse’s weight is sufficient if it is within 30 to 50 kilos.
Tip: It’s easier to measure the ground-to-girth height and the shoulder-to-girth distance when your horse is saddled. You can also find detailed information and instructions under the “?” symbol in the app.
How do I connect my app to my CEEFIT?
First, you need to enable your phone’s location data and authorize the Seaver app to access your data.
Important: Access to the location data should be set to “always” in order to be able to guarantee the best possible quality of the GPS and speed values.
After that, turn on the Bluetooth function of your phone.
Open the Seaver app and click the “+” icon to start a new workout or record an electrocardiogram. Select your horse from the horse profiles and then your CEEFIT device should be displayed. Click on the device name to connect it to the app.
Alternatively, once your phone’s Bluetooth connection is activated, you can go to “My Devices” via the app’s menu and select your CEEFIT to connect to it.
Please note that if the CEEFIT is already connected to a device, it can no longer be recognized by other devices.
The pairing of the CEEFIT device happens via the app itself and not via the Bluetooth settings of your phone!
An update is required to sync your devices the first time you connect. To charge, place your CEEFIT on the charging platform and then connect to the device via the app. Leave your CEEFIT on the loading platform during the update process.
How can I update my CEEFIT for the first time?
When CEEFIT connects to your smartphone via the app for the first time, an update starts automatically. The two devices are then synchronized. In order for the update to be carried out correctly, you must ensure that the CEEFIT has sufficient battery power for the entire update process.
It is best to charge your CEEFIT on the charging platform during the update process and pair your CEEFIT with the app via the Bluetooth connection while charging. The update will then start automatically. You can follow the progress of the update in the app.
Be careful not to put your smartphone on standby during the update or accidentally close the app. Once the update is complete, you can use your CEEFIT as you wish.
How do I start an ECG?
From your Seaver app, select the “+” in the center bottom of the screen. Then select “Start electrocardiogram” and select the profile of the horse you want to ride, now connect to your CEEFIT.
Make sure your horse stands still for at least 30 seconds for the initial measurement.
How do I start recording a workout?
From your Seaver app, select the “+” button in the middle bottom of the screen.
Then select “Start a new training session”, then the profile of the horse you want to ride and then connect the app to your CEEFIT.
If you train with the CEEFIT Pulse & ECG, check with the horse standing for 30 seconds whether the cardio parameters of your horse are recognized and are stable. Instructions can be found in the FAQ under “How do I start an ECG?”.
A large horse should reach between 30 and 40 heartbeats/min at rest. In ponies, the heart rate at rest can be 60 beats/min. The sensor initially displays a value of “0”. It can take between 10 and 30 seconds for the correct heart rate to be determined and then displayed.
If you use your smartwatch for training, first select the functions on the watch that you want to track in real time. Then select the horse you want to train with. To start your training, click on “Start” just before you step up. Don’t forget to allow the Seaver app access to your GPS, Bluetooth and cardio data in your smartwatch settings.
Can I ride with a martingale or breastplate and the CEEFIT?
Yes of course. You can attach the martingale or breastplate under the CEEFIT Pulse & ECG. As long as the loop of the martingale or breastplate fits well and doesn’t shift, there is no problem. The loop must not cover the electrode or move it during training. With the CEEFIT, all you have to do is simply push the clip a little to one side.
How are the electrodes used?
The areas of the horse where the electrodes are attached must always be moistened: on the one hand the girth position, in the middle under the stomach, on the other hand the place behind the left shoulder.
You can use water or a neutral, conductive gel (e.g. ultrasound gel, which you can get in our shop or from your veterinarian).
Two options are possible:
If you use water, moisten the two electrodes with a sponge. Also, wet your horse’s coat where the electrodes will be placed.
If you’re using a gel, apply it to both electrodes. Here it is not necessary to add extra gel to the coat unless the horse has a thick winter coat.
The electrode has been scientifically tested with a pressure pad and we can assure you that thanks to the materials used you are not putting any harmful pressure on your horse’s muscles.
How do I attach the CEEFIT Pulse & ECG Electrode Belt to my saddle belt?
First, click the CEEFIT sensor into the CEEFIT Pulse & ECG Electrode Belt device and make sure the blue line on the CEEFIT is pointing to the blue line on the CEEFIT Pulse & ECG Electrode Belt.
If you have inserted the CEEFIT correctly, the blue light on the front of the CEEFIT will flash once. Now secure the CEEFIT sensor with the Velcro.
Before each use, apply the contact gel or water to both electrodes of the CEEFIT Pulse & ECG. If water is used, also slightly dampen your horse’s coat at the contact points. Place the CEEFIT Pulse & ECG in the middle of your girth with the electrodes facing the skin and fasten it securely with the fastening straps supplied so that it does not slip on the girth.
The remote electrode is placed under the saddle pad on your horse’s coat. It should be behind the left shoulder just below the withers. If you stay in this range, you can reposition the electrode with each workout to avoid using the same contact point every day.
How do I attach the CEEFIT sensor to my belt?
First, you have to insert the CEEFIT sensor into the silicone clip.
Make sure that the blue line of the sensor points to the blue line of the clip and that the silicone clip is smooth and not kinked anywhere.
Then simply place the clip in the middle of the strap. If you are using a martingale or breastplate whose loop must also be attached to the harness between the front legs, simply slide the clip with the CEEFIT a little to the side.
For optimal fixation, we recommend a strap thickness of 8 mm.
What can I do if the app does not recognize my CEEFIT device?
If the Seaver app does not recognize your CEEFIT, check these three points:
CHARGING: If your CEEFIT is not found by the app, it is usually because the battery is empty. Let it charge for 1 to 2 minutes and try again. Only a (at least partially) charged product can be recognized by the Seaver App.
RANGE: Bluetooth has a range of 20-50 meters. Interfering factors such as walls, trees, large vehicles or the like can prevent Bluetooth pairing. Make sure to place your CEEFIT close to your smartphone.
SETTINGS: Go to your phone’s settings, enable location and add the “Location” permission for the Seaver app. Without these authorizations, the app cannot recognize your CEEFIT and cannot connect to it.
If the problem persists, contact us via email at
How do I use CEEFIT with my smartwatch?
Attach the CEEFIT to your girth, select the horse you currently want to train with the Seaver Watch app under Horse Profiles, and click Start.
Please note that you have to activate the recording while you are still on the ground, i.e. before you ascend.
For more questions, also refer to our user guide for using smartwatches here.
Is it possible to use my CEEFIT while lunging?
Of course you can! However, please note that if you have your smartphone in your pocket when lunging, the values for speed and distance covered will be displayed incorrectly, as the app always uses the smartphone’s GPS to calculate this data.
You can discard the speed measurement directly in the app by clicking “No” when asked “Did you have your smartphone with you when you were riding?”.
In addition, you must of course lunge your horse with a lunging belt or saddle in order to be able to fasten your CEEFIT in the belt position at the bottom.
Is my CEEFIT waterproof?
The device is splash-proof. So you can easily ride it in the rain and through puddles. The CEEFIT sensor should never get completely wet or fall into water. After training, you should remove splash water with a towel and then store the device dry again. If possible, remove the sensor from the clip after each use so that no moisture forms or accumulates between the clip and the sensor.
Is it necessary to have my smartphone directly with me during training?
Not necessarily. You must have your smartphone close to your CEEFIT to start and stop recording the training session. Once you are on the horse, you can then ride without your smartphone.
However, there are two things to note: Distance and speed are not recorded in this case, as the app uses the smartphone’s GPS to calculate this data.
Also, data recovery will take a little longer when you stop training. We therefore recommend riding with your smartphone in your pocket to record all the data correctly. If this isn’t possible, that’s not a problem either!
I don't have an internet connection in the riding arena or in the hall, is that a problem?
Don’t worry, you can use your CEEFIT and Seaver app for training without an internet connection. However, at the end of your training, the data is not automatically sent to the server. You must upload the recorded training session from the main menu of the app. It is no problem to record several training sessions first and upload them later. For this you need a stable internet connection (WIFI or at least 4G). By clicking on the activation buttons (the rotating arrows) of the respective training you activate the data transfer.
The CEEFIT sensor is not required for the upload itself.
If you’re having trouble, put your phone in airplane mode for about a minute, then turn it off and try refreshing your Seaver app home page again
I logged out of the app during my workout, what can I do?
If the app was closed unexpectedly during an ongoing training session, the recording can still continue. CEEFIT continues to record data from the training session until you end the recording using the “Stop” button in the app. You can restore the workout by pairing the CEEFIT sensor with the app again. In this case, restoring the data may take a little longer (5 – 10 minutes).
However, the speed data will be lost, as these are not recorded via the CEEFIT sensor, but via the GPS function of your smartphone, which then ended the GPS function when the app was closed.
I can no longer pair my CEEFIT and an error message is displayed, what can I do?
Wait 2 hours for your CEEFIT to unblock and then try to connect again.
If it still doesn’t work, leave your CEEFIT fully discharged, then charge it and try again. This allows the product to reset itself.
If you still get an error message, please contact us at
How do I stop recording my training session?
At the end of the training, open your Seaver app and select the “Stop” button. Choose the discipline of your training, add your own comments about the ride and rate your training session.
On your Apple Watch, just swipe right to the last view of your watch and click the stop button.
From your Samsung Smartwatch you can click the stop button that is on every page view of your ongoing workout.
The app then takes you to a status report on your recorded workout. Click on “Done”.
To retrieve your training data from the mobile app, go to the application menu, select “Device recovery”. Connect your CEEFIT, choose the workout you want to restore and download your data. Make sure you have a stable and good internet connection. Your workout will then be displayed on the home page of the app.
Please note that downloading your workouts from your mobile app requires a subscription to our Premium Health+ program.
Why am I getting strange or inappropriate results for the Speed and Distance parameters?
The recording of these two parameters is carried out exclusively via the GPS of your smartphone. You should therefore carry it with you when you ride and make sure that it is not in sleep mode or airplane mode.
Please note that GPS data is less accurate in riding arenas and in covered training halls in general (especially if the side walls or roof are made of metal) than in the riding arena.
How good is my horse's cardiovascular system?
A good cardiograph is representative of your training and allows you to identify stress and recovery phases based on your horse’s heart rate.
If the heart rate curve fluctuates enormously and very quickly, ie it goes from 70 bpm to 200 bpm, then down to 50 bpm and back up to 140 bpm, then it’s probably because the values aren’t could be measured correctly.
These sharp fluctuations in heart rate then distort the data collection and lead to incorrect results.
To remedy this, always make sure to moisten the two electrodes of the CEEFIT Pulse & ECG or to apply a larger amount of gel and, especially when riding, to have your harness strapped in and out to ensure maximum contact between the fur and the electrodes.
If the problem persists, we are happy to help you at
If the heart rate values are measured incorrectly, the energy consumption data (calories) will also not match. Note that the calorie consumption is only reliable and meaningful if you have correctly entered the weight of the horse and the weight of the rider.
My cardio data does not appear in my speed data.
This malfunction occurs when the app has not recognized that the CEEFIT Pulse & ECG is being used. Please make sure that the CEEFIT is correctly placed in the CEEFIT Pulse & ECG before logging into the app. When you then pair your device, you will notice that the name of your displayed device will change and it will now say “Pulse”.
If the problem persists, please contact us via email at
Is my horse's EKG OK?
After recording an EKG, the Seaver app analyzes the collected data, allowing you to better understand the EKG reading.
If the measured data result in an unremarkable ECG, the app reports that the ECG is correct. That said, no irregular heart rates or abnormalities were detected. In this case everything is fine!
If the app reports that a possible arrhythmia has been detected, do not panic in this case. First record a new EKG. If you get the same message again, contact your veterinarian. You can send him the recorded ECG directly from the app.
It is also possible that the ECG is displayed as “invalid”. In this case, check the placement of the electrodes on the horse again, add some more gel or water to the electrodes. In addition, it is necessary that your horse really sits for at least 30 seconds during this measurement. stand still and stay calm. If your horse moves during the measurement, it cannot be carried out correctly.
How do I analyze my horse's stress levels?
Analyzing the variability of your horse’s heart rate and other parameters makes it possible to assign a “stress” score to your horse’s behavior every minute of training. This way you can see and recognize moments of stress.
A calm and mentally relaxed working horse should keep its scores under 15/100.
Of course, a single climb due to an external event is nothing to worry about (e.g. a bird in flight or a motorbike passing by), but if the total is over 50, you should reevaluate your training, the content of the training, and also your impact on the horse analyze and consider. Maybe your horse was overwhelmed in some areas – be it due to the exercise itself, the duration of the exercise or misunderstandings between rider and horse.
How can I analyze my horse's recovery data?
Your Seaver product recognizes your horse’s exertion via the measured heart rate if it stays above 150bpm for more than 30 seconds. You can change the level of this stress threshold in the respective horse profile in the app to adapt it to your horse.
A minimum of 10 minutes of walking or leading at the end of each session should bring your horse back below the recovery threshold (64bpm) if he has been working at or briefly above the threshold during intense work.
The results obtained allow you to identify the physiological efficiency of your horse’s effort and, if necessary, to optimize it.
My horse's symmetry is not good, should I be concerned?
Symmetry is calculated when your horse trots in a straight line for at least 10 consecutive seconds.
It is best to observe the development of your horse’s symmetry over several training sessions under the same conditions. This analysis allows you to compare the symmetry data.
Each rider must combine the analysis of the symmetry data with his own feeling and the circumstances of the training. For example, if you have ridden on changing ground conditions (puddles, slippery ground, uneven ground, etc.), the horse may have lost its stability more often and the symmetry will appear less good. Also the increased work in forward-sideways will change the symmetry data.
After several training sessions, it is then possible to recognize a trend and thus be warned of anomalies. If you find that your horse has been in the red zone for more than 30 seconds (strong asymmetry), there is a beat error or a gait anomaly. As a precaution, clarify this with your veterinarian.
Why were jumps recognized even though I didn't jump at all?
You have to make sure that your CEEFIT is attached correctly and sits firmly on the belt so that there are no additional movements that the sensor then incorrectly records.
Sudden stops of the horse, leaps or bucklers can be analyzed by the CEEFIT as a jump. The sensor recognizes a jump when it registers an increase in connection with a swing.
I have jumps with different results, what could be the cause?
First check whether your horse’s girth is really correct and whether the CEEFIT is firmly attached.
In order for a jump to be correctly recorded as such, an ascent (jump) is always coupled with a descent (landing). For places with a clear slope or jumps such as walls or billiards, e.g. For example, these values can appear as outliers because the sensor records the take-off angle but only half of the incline.
I jumped several jumps during my training, but no course was recognized?
A course is recognized when you skip multiple jumps without significantly changing your pace. If you e.g. If, for example, you parry back to the trot between two jumps, this sequence will not be evaluated by CEEFIT as a continuous course.
Why is the left-right distribution analyzed?
We often tend to ride longer and harder on one hand than the other. Persisting too much on one side because of difficulty or stiffness can lead to stress, premature fatigue and even muscular asymmetry in the horse. However, some riders avoid the hand, which makes the horse a bit more difficult to ride.
By analyzing the left-right distribution of your training, you can see exactly whether you really worked evenly on each hand. This is the only way you can optimally train, loosen and build up your horse’s muscles on both sides.
How do I know if my cadence is good?
Cadence is the number of steps, strides, or strides per minute at that gait. Changing cadence means taking more or fewer steps/kicks/canters in a given time. An even beat enables the horse to balance itself better in its basic gaits and to find its rhythm.
Again, if you’re working on ground grip and momentum, compare multiple training sessions to see the improvement in cadence from individual lessons or drills you’ve ridden.
A large horse takes 35 to 60 strides per minute at the walk, 55 to 100 strides per minute at the trot, and 80 to 130 strides per minute at the gallop. Of course, these are average values, depending on breed, physique, quality of basic gaits, level of training and size of the horse.
How can I understand the analysis of swing in gaits?
Momentum is the amplitude of your horse’s vertical movement. It allows you to work on the verticality of the gaits. The more momentum your horse has, the higher and thus more powerfully the horse takes off from the ground.
Monitor this data as you train through multiple sessions and through all gaits. You will be able to see an average in the walk, trot and canter over several training sessions. A large horse swings approximately between 1 and 5 cm high at the walk, between 5 and 15 cm at the trot and between 10 and 25 cm at the gallop. Of course, these are also general average values. Depending on breed, physique, quality of basic gaits, level of training and size of the horse, fluctuations in swing can be observed.